
Command Effect
Regular commands
!ID Displays your ID
!PING Checks if your connection to the server is alright, should return Pong.
!AI 413 Adds any item of your liking to your account, replace 413 with any ID.
!AF 5 Adds furniture to your account, please see above.
!PIN 413 Sets the selected item as your PIN
!JR 100 Makes your penguin run and join the selected room ASAP
!AC 5000 Adds a load of delicious cash to your account
!UP * Changes your clothing to *
Admin and Moderator commands
!FIND NAME Returns NAME’s location
!BAN ID Bans the user with the specified ID from the server.
!UNBAN ID Unbans the user with the specified ID from the server.
!GLOBAL MESSAGE Announce something to everyone on the server easily!
!MOD ADD/DEL ID Either makes or removes the specified user from the team.

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