CP Beta Team

When you see a sneak peek or a new

This is NOT a hack or cheat. It is 100% safe and free. Club penguin actually likes it when penguins beta test cp games. Click Here to go the beta team access. this is what it will look like:

Type in your regular penguin username and password and click login and become an authorized club penguin beta team member. This is what it will look like next:

Type “help” into the command bar to view a list of all of the commands Here is the command list:

The commands are:

ls   Lists all games.

play (insert game name here)   Opens the game and its description. eg. play robots

comment (insert your comment here)  Submits your comment about the game your playing.

rate (y or n)   Rates how much you like the game – type “rate y” if you like it, type “rate n” if you don’t.

clear   Clears the screen

logout   logs you out of beta team


Put in the command “ls” to view all the games currently up for beta testing. Select one to start playing. Afterwards you can rate the game!


Have fun!




  1. The Command Is
    Won’t Work

  1. Pingback: card jitsu snow sneek peek « Pro CP Cheats

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